Lee University’s Statement About the “Revival” On Its Campus

Following is a statement sent to Lee University’s friends about what’s going on at the Chapel from its President, Dr. Mark Walker. I put “revival” in quotes because the administration hasn’t definitely characterised it as such. It is reproduced without change.

Hello Lee Family,

You may have heard that Lee University is having revival. I don’t know if that’s what’s taking place, but it appears that God is doing something special on our campus. I’ll attempt to provide you a brief account of what has been occurring.

On Monday morning, February 13, a group of students from a School of Theology and Ministry class had a desire to pray for Lee. They joined with their professor around 11:00am in The Chapel and throughout the day many other students joined them until out of this organic student led prayer vigil about 150 people were gathered in The Chapel praying together into the early morning hours. Most of those in attendance were students accompanied by faculty, staff, and administrators. A few community people began to gather as well.

Since Monday, there has been a steady gathering of people in The Chapel praying, meditating, and worshipping. There have been a handful of people praying in the morning and throughout the day the gathering gradually grows to fill The Chapel by the evening. A rotation of Lee leadership and security are always present at these gatherings. While these prayer vigils include many students, more church groups, local pastors, and community people have started attending, especially at night. Many Lee faculty and staff are also present.

Lee administration is providing guidance and support to the prayer vigils, working to ensure the safety of all participants, and that the prayer and worship are orderly and proper. There are periods when prayer and worship are loud, and there are also periods when there is silence and reflection. Praying for needs of people also occurs at different times and there have been demonstrations of the spiritual gifts. All these expressions are biblical and in order. However, these gatherings are not programmed worship services with an official start time like a chapel or convocation service, and there is no livestreaming. There is not a sound system being used and the only instrument is an electric piano. These are gatherings devoted to prayer.

Lee has not promoted the prayer vigil and has not called it a revival. Media and social media have dubbed this a revival. Perhaps it is, yet in our hearts we believe it to be a student led prayer vigil for the heart of God. We are not attempting to manufacture anything nor are we attempting to compete with what are being called revivals at other colleges and institutions. We are attempting to follow what God is uniquely doing here. We do not know how long it will last. We will do everything within our power to discern, lead, and guide as it continues.

Some of the Lee family may not understand what is occurring and that’s ok. Attending these meetings is not required, nor is it a sign of one’s spirituality. There is no judgment on anyone who attends or does not attend. God is very present and at work at Lee outside of what is currently taking place in The Chapel. Classes are continuing as scheduled, Conn Center and Dixon Center chapel services are taking place as scheduled, and other campus events are also ongoing as scheduled. Should you have questions regarding The Chapel prayer vigils, someone from campus ministries or administration is available to speak with you.

Thank you for your prayers as we walk through this special and unique time together at Lee University.


Mark Walker

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