
Why We Offer Free Documents, Software and Other Items for Download

“I would just like to say how appreciative I am of being able to download engineering manuals and software from your website. I have an engineering degree and would like to specialize in waterfront construction and shoreline protection. The materials that you provide are invaluable and would cost a small fortune to purchase. Your generosity will be remembered.” A downloader.

“Thank you very much for your information and downloads. It means so much for us in the “under developing” countries. Salam…” (Civil engineer from Southeast Asia)

“This is the best site I’ve ever seen which is devoted to civil engineers.” (Civil engineer from the Persian/Arabian Gulf region.)

“Thank you for your contributions to the civil engineers around the world.” (Another civil engineer from Southeast Asia.)

“Thanks for including the pint.pdf on your website. I’ve downloaded a bunch of things in order to familiarize myself with some of the technical issues I am dealing with. However, I also downloaded the pint because I wanted to get your take on the NT in contemporary language.” (Professional Engineer from Texas.)

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you really. I can’t express HOW I am thankful FOR YOU for the free books. I thank you again and again for every book. I and others have download them. (Engineer from Egypt.)

Thanks…good useful information, your web page speaks that you are a devoted Christian, may Our Lord continue blessing and using you. Best regards. Safety expert from Texas.

…I have copied some of the other documents and built-up a fantastic library . I am extremely thankful to you for this superb facility . I have never come across such a comprehensive library as this . I have learned some things unknown to me before , even though I have been a Civil Engineer for 40 years. (Australian civil engineer.)

I have to say that your website is immensely useful and is a fantastic resource. (U.S. civil engineer)

I have found the website very helpful. (Geologist)

…thanks for your so helpful web-site. It is always a source of very interesting information. (Senior Civil Engineer, Norway)

…thanks for your continued hosting of important documents like these. In this modern information age, it is hard to believe that important knowledge could simply vanish through disuse, but the sad fact is that it happens. Your efforts are a bulwark against the creep of ignorance. (Civil Engineering professor, United States)

Vulcanhammer is rapidly becoming a required reference site. Keep up the good work. (U.S. civil engineer)

Thank you for making this site available, it is awesome (U.S. civil engineer)

This is a real great selfless service by VULCANHAMMER by making accessible recognized engineering knowledge in this era of commercial thinking . Hats off for their effort on imparting and disseminating valuable technology know how on soil & foundations sciences. (Civil engineer.)

Today the buzzword for websites is “monetisation.” Everyone wants to make money off of the web. Sometimes it’s tricky; the “dot-com” crash at the turn of the millennium was partly a result of that.

We’re not totally immune from that either; you see the Google and Amazon ad boxes throughout our sites. We also have an array of published books as well. We appreciate your support through these avenues; it helps us keep expanding our offerings without burdening you financially.

Our ability in offering downloads–both documentary and software–is aided by the following:

  • The U.S. government puts its work product in the public domain, so we can pass these along to you without copyright worries.
  • Much of this output is core to geotechnical and coastal engineering and related fields. Some of these documents and programs (such as NAVFAC DM 7.02, NAVFAC P-990, and WEAP87) are no longer available from the government, and the government’s sites aren’t the most “user-friendly” either. Also, most government sites only carry the latest version of a given document when in some cases there is useful information in the earlier version that has been dropped.
  • Open source software and freeware can generally be passed along as well.

In the civil engineering field, we’re as aware as anyone that our information can be used to generate revenue. But there are constituencies in that field that still need the free information such as:

  • Students, who now turn to the web first and not their library.
  • Engineers who are trying to develop their careers and don’t have a lot of money to invest.
  • Third-world students, engineers and governments, blessed with intelligence and desire but short of resources. It’s one thing to send computers out there but what can they afford to get access to when they get them?

It may not seem much to some people, but the downloads of engineering and other software that grace our sites is one way we put our faith in Jesus Christ into action.  We hope you can benefit from these offerings.

The downloads we offer on this site

Program and Documents Available

We have four sites in this “online family,” all of which offer downloads of one kind or another:

  •, which has extensive documents and software for geotechnical and marine engineering and construction;
  •, the website about Vulcan Iron Works Inc. and the pile driving equipment it made (also with many documents on pile driving and driven piles);
  •, (this site) which includes the Anglican and Episcopal prayer books; and
  •, whose downloads specialise in airfield and airport design and construction.

If you have any questions, contact us. Happy searching!

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