The EU is turning into a Remainer nightmare–Unherd

Things are not going well on the Continent:

For years they’ve been painting Brussels as a beacon of progressivism, peace and democracy, as opposed to the far-Right, racist and economically suicidal project of Brexit. Yet, ironically, it is the European Parliament, not the British one, that is about to swing firmly to the Right, as several European governments already have. Meanwhile, in just over six months, Britain will almost certainly vote Labour back into power — making it one of the few countries in Europe to have a centre-left government.

In the run-up to Brexit, I characterised the EU as an “undemocratic, Procrustean experiment.” It continues to live down to that characterisation. The fact that the Tories have botched Brexit shouldn’t obscure the basic problems of the EU, ones that remain unrepaired in the face of hard reality.

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