The Revolution of the Gospel

From John McKenzie's The Power and the Wisdom: Yet the gospel is in some ways revolutionary, and no other word seems to do it justice.  Efforts to conventionalise the gospel and to curb its dynamism take away much of its effect...The world, we said, both of men at large and the individual person, is irreparably …

A Problem of America: For what fills the heart will rise to the lips, and Is Charismatic Culture African?

Some interesting tidbits from Lambeth. Let's start with the following comment from the Rt Rev Catherine Roskam, Suffragan Bishop of New York: She said some of the 670 Anglican bishops gathered in Canterbury for the once-a-decade Lambeth Conference probably beat their wives, and added that it is difficult to discuss it with them because they …

Davis Mac-Iyalla: Living What He Advocates

Just when I thought I'd seen everything on the Internet, we have this: I am pleased to note that the United Kingdom has granted the asylum petition of Davis Mac-Iyalla, the Nigerian Anglican Gay activist, with whom I’ve had frequent dealings... I know Mr. Mac-Iyalla better than anyone else in the United States, having served …

Beating Lenders at Their Own Shell Game

Lance Wiggs has hit up on yet another twist in the debt crisis: It turns out that because of the mortgages being sold and sliced and sold, the ownership of the original mortgage is often in doubt. It took Mamie Ruth Palmer in Atlanta, Georgia to bust this one open, in a court case that …

Obama Redefines Patriotism

The Politico's piece on the attempt--and the risk--of John McCain's campaign to paint Barack Obama as "unpatriotic" needs a little clarification. I've taken heat for demonstrating that Obama's relationship with the U.S. is not in sync with what many Americans regard as "patriotic."  But that begs the obvious question: what is patriotism? I've noted before …

Internationalisation with a Vengeance

From this piece on Virtue Online: While the members of St. Timothy's originally joined AMiA as what Hassett describe as "a lifeboat" away from an Episcopal Church they perceived to be increasingly errant in its leftward drift while still maintaining their connection to the larger Anglican Communion through the archbishop of Rwanda, she found that …

The TAC and Rome: Millimetring Towards Union?

This story has intrigued me for a long time and actually seems to have some forward movement, according to Ruth Gledhill: Rome is taking seriously the prospect of 'corporate unity' with traditional Anglicans but the message is: 'Not yet.' So says Cardinal Levada, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in this …

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