Henry Louttit: Not a Chip off the Old Block

The letter from the Bishop of Georgia, Henry Louttit, to his oldest parish trying to force them to pay up to an Episcopal Church they have no confidence in shows in vivid terms how far the Episcopal Church has gone in the last forty years.

As we reminisce in a piece from our “Palm Beach Experience” section, his father, when Bishop of South Florida, attempted to have James Pike tried for heresy.  The Episcopal Church at the time “chickened out” which helped lead to the situation we have now where his son is forced to put the screws to a conservative parish to keep the “ship afloat.”

There’s one thing the son learned the father didn’t quite master: never give a sucker an even break.  That’s all the liberals have left to continue the institutional existence of the church they spoiled.

3 Replies to “Henry Louttit: Not a Chip off the Old Block”

  1. Is this the same Hank Louttit who was known as “the torch” while a student at Sewanee in the late ’50s when several building mysteriously caught fire?


  2. dragonslayer, I don’t know. Interesting question.

    Louie Crew’s site tells us that a) he was born in 1938 in West Palm Beach and b) he received his AB from Sewanee.

    I will say that experience with PECUSA “preppies” in earlier times tells me that spectacular pranks were very much in fashion, something that helped to inspire my novel The Ten Weeks.


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